Monday, February 19, 2007

I shall say something this time. The gig at HOME Club on the 16th of Feb. For those who missed it. This is what happened. It RAWKED!!!! With the combination of kikoman beer, yes, I actually DO like Asahi Black, the buzzing feeling on stage, and not knowing what I was playing (actually I know la, but for added excitement mah), it was amazing. A nice change for once. Yea, Ian shall be doing most of the rambling here anyway and Biddy at myspace cos I suck at writing.

We'll be playing at UCC on the 2nd of March opening for Electrico. Yes. We're the opening act. How utterly amazing is that???!!!! We're all still at awed at been choosen and have no idea why. But we'll still play and give it our best cos we like to play. Simple. Play is fun. You people are fun. Together it'll be fun.

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