Sunday, November 19, 2006

The End of Renovation

T'was quite a pleasant place to play. Clean, powerful aircon, nice equipment and relatively good mix in spite of the limitations. Reminiscent of the 90s when gigs were few and mostly held in small, cramped and airless places (like U-turn Studio in Novena), where everyone sweat together and made noise together. Physically uncomfortable but I could come out of it feeling good. And when a big gig happened at the Substation Garden, everyone went and everyone knows everyone else.

Nowadays, I think the gig going generation have become spoilt for choice, I'm no exception. No air-con, complain. Too many people, complain. Too few people, complain. Equipment not tip top of the line, complain. Place too small, complain. Tsk. End of the day, just rock that stage la!

Talk does not cook rice!

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